Antonio Banderas reprises his role of Puss from the Shrek films. Part cute kitten, part heart breaker, Puss is a player in all senses. His nemesis/love interest is voiced by Selma Hayek and Humpty Dumpty is played by Zach Galifianakis. Yes, I said Humpty Dumpty. Jack and Jill and a Beanstalk make appearances in the film. And if you are looking for any representation of the Puss in Boots we grew up with, good luck. But the film is clever, mostly age appropriate (a few innuendos but far more subtle than those in the Shrek series), and worth the $7 for a child ticket. All in all, I would say "Step Out".

Age Appropriateness (3 and Up):
Adult Enjoyment:

Age Appropriateness (3 and Up):

Adult Enjoyment: